100+ Best Infographic Submission Sites in 2024

Looking for the best infographic submission sites to promote your visual content?

Discover the top infographic submission sites to promote your content and increase your brand’s reach. Learn how to create effective infographics, optimize your submissions, and track your performance.

Increase your visibility and engagement by submitting your infographics to these high-authority sites.

In this article, we will tell, you, how you can use infographic-sharing sites to drive traffic and engagement for your business today!

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Let’s Start-

Introduction to Infographic Submission Sites

These sites are online platforms where users can share and promote their infographics. These sites typically allow users to upload their infographics, along with a brief description and link to their website or social media profiles.

These sites are popular among content marketers because they offer an opportunity to increase brand visibility and attract more traffic to their websites.

Introduction to Infographic Submission Sites
Image- brafton.com/

By sharing their infographics on these sites, marketers can potentially reach a wider audience, build backlinks to their sites, and establish themselves as thought leaders in their industry.

In addition, infographic submission sites are often free to use, making them a cost-effective way to promote content.

However, it’s important to note that not all These submission sites are created equal, and marketers should carefully evaluate each platform to determine which ones are most effective for their goals.

These sites can be valuable tools for businesses and content creators looking to boost their online presence and increase engagement with their target audience.

Benefits of Infographics Sharing for Marketing

Benefits of Infographics Sharing for Marketing
Image- http://youroriginalcontent.com/

Benefits of Infographics for Marketing” is a heading that could cover a lot of ground, but here are some potential details:

1. Infographics can effectively convey complex information quickly and visually. For example, an infographic can break down a complex process or procedure into simple, easy-to-understand steps or provide a snapshot of a large data set in a visually appealing and easily digestible format.

2. Infographics are highly shareable and can increase brand exposure. Sharing an infographic on social media or submitting it to an infographic directory can lead to increased traffic to your website and improved brand recognition.

3. Infographics can help to build trust and credibility with potential customers. By providing informative and valuable content in an easily digestible format, you can establish your brand as an authority in your industry and create a positive impression with potential customers.

4. Infographics can help to establish your brand as a thought leader in your industry. By creating visually compelling and informative infographics, you can showcase your knowledge and expertise on a particular topic, helping to position your brand as a go-to resource in your industry.

5. Infographics can be repurposed in a variety of ways. For example, you can turn an infographic into a video or a series of blog posts, which can help to extend the reach and impact of your content.

6. Infographics can improve your SEO efforts. Infographics can attract backlinks to your website and generate social signals, indicating to search engines that your content is valuable and authoritative, which can help boost your rankings.

7. Infographics are a versatile marketing tool that can be used in a variety of contexts. For example, you can use infographics in email campaigns, on landing pages, or as part of a larger content marketing strategy.

8. Infographics are often more memorable than text-based content. By using visual elements to convey information, infographics can help your audience to better understand and retain information, increasing the likelihood that they will engage with your brand and remember your message.

9. Infographics can attract and retain more customers. By providing informative and engaging content through infographics, you can attract potential customers and keep them engaged with your brand, helping to build loyalty and increase conversions.

Points To Keep In Mind-

Tips To Create Effective Infographics for Sharing

Tips To Create Effective Infographics for Sharing
Image- informaticsinc.com/

Choose the right data:

Infographics are all about data, but not all data is created equal. Choose data that is relevant, accurate, and supports your message.

Avoid data that is too complex or difficult to understand. Use statistics, figures, and other data points that help tell your story and make it easier for your audience to understand.


Use visuals to enhance your message:

Visuals are a powerful tool for communicating complex information. Use charts, graphs, illustrations, and other visuals to highlight key data points and create a narrative flow that guides the reader through the information. Make sure that your visuals are clear, easy to understand, and support your message.


Start with a Clear story:

Infographics should have a clear and compelling story that resonates with your target audience. Begin by identifying the main message you want to convey and structure your content around it. This will help ensure that your infographic is engaging and informative.

To create a better story you can also use AI Story Generator tools.


Keep it simple:

Infographics should be simple and easy to understand. Avoid using too many colors, fonts, or graphics that can distract from your message.

Stick to a simple color scheme and use white space to create a clear visual hierarchy. Use bullet points and short sentences to make your content easy to digest.


Make it Shareable:

Infographics are designed to be shared, so make it easy for others to share your content. Include social sharing buttons on your infographic or provide an embed code so that others can easily share it on their own websites or social media. This will help increase your reach and visibility.


Add Branding Elements:

Your infographic is a representation of your brand, so be sure to include branding elements such as your logo and color scheme.

This will help build brand recognition and make your content more memorable. Make sure that your branding elements are prominent but don’t distract from your message.


Test and Optimize:

Once you’ve created your infographic, test it with your target audience and make adjustments based on feedback. This will help you identify any issues and make improvements to your content.

Continuously update and refine your infographics to ensure they remain effective and engaging. This will help you stay ahead of the competition and increase your visibility and reach.

Choose The Best Sites For Your Submission-

List of Infographics Submission Sites

Here’s the table with the site names, their domain authority (DA), and their ranking number:

Top 10 Submission Sites:

Serial No.Website NameWebsite Address
3Submit Infographicshttp://www.submitinfographics.com/
4Reddit – Infographicshttps://www.reddit.com/r/Infographics/
5Cool Infographicshttps://www.coolinfographics.com/
9Love Infographicshttp://www.loveinfographics.com/
10Daily Infographichttps://www.dailyinfographic.com/

Feel free to add or m

Serial No.Website NameWebsite Address
17Design You Trusthttps://designyoutrust.com/
18Submit Visualshttps://www.submitvisuals.com/
20Best Infographicshttp://www.best-infographics.com/

Serial No.Website NameWebsite Address
23Daily Infographicshttp://dailyinfographic.com/
24Infographic Plazahttps://www.infographicplaza.com/
25Infographics Archivehttp://www.infographicsarchive.com/
26Infographics Showcasehttp://www.infographicsshowcase.com/
27Infographics Journalhttps://infographicsjournal.com/
28Submit Visualshttps://www.submitvisuals.com/
29Infographic Beehttps://infographicbee.com/
30Love Infographicshttp://loveinfographics.com/
Serial No.Website NameWebsite Address
31Best Infographicshttp://www.best-infographics.com/
33Infographic Databasehttps://www.infographicdatabase.com/
34Infographics Maniahttp://www.infographicsmania.com/
35Submit Infographicshttp://www.submitinfographics.com/
36Infographic Journalhttps://infographicjournal.com/
37Infographics Archivehttp://www.infographicsarchive.com/
38Daily Infographichttp://dailyinfographic.com/
40Infographic Beehttps://infographicbee.com/
Serial No.Website NameWebsite Address
41Daily Statistichttps://www.dailystatistic.com/
42InfoGraphic Posthttps://infographicpost.com/
44InfoGraphic Journalhttp://infographicjournal.com/
46AllTop Infographicshttps://alltop.com/infographics
47Cool Daily Infographicshttps://www.cooldailyinfographics.com/
48Infographic Reviewshttps://infographicreviews.com/
49Video Infographichttps://www.videoinfographic.com/
50Submit Infographics Hubhttp://www.submitinfographicshub.com/

Serial No.Website NameWebsite Address
51Infographics Zonehttp://infographicszone.com/
52Infographic Sitehttps://infographicsite.com/
53Infographics Showcasehttp://www.infographicsshowcase.com/
54Infographic Design Teamhttp://infographicdesignteam.com/
55Infographic Lovehttps://www.infographic.love/
56Infographic Posthttps://www.infographicpost.com/
57Infographic Beehttps://infographicbee.com/
58Infographic Directoryhttp://www.infographic-directory.com/
60Best Infographicshttp://www.best-infographics.com/

Serial No.Website NameWebsite Address
61Only Infographichttp://www.onlyinfographic.com/
62Infographics Onlyhttp://infographicsonly.com/
63Data Visualization Societyhttps://www.datavisualizationsociety.com/
64I Heart Infographicshttps://www.iheartinfographics.com/
65Infographics Posthttps://www.infographicspost.com/
66Submit Visualshttps://www.submitvisuals.com/
67Infographics Archivehttps://www.infographicsarchive.com/
69The Infographicshttps://theinfographics.blogspot.com/
71Infographic Journalhttps://infographicjournal.com/
72Infographics Kinghttps://infographicsking.com/
74Cool Infographicshttps://www.coolinfographics.com/
75Good Infographicshttp://www.goodinfographics.com/
76Infographic Plazahttps://www.infographicplaza.com/
78Infographics Magazinehttps://infographicsmagazine.com/
79Infographic Worldhttps://www.infographic.world/
80Infographic Sitehttps://www.infographicsite.com/

Share Your Infographics ad More Places-

200+ Best Image Submission Sites List

Here are Some Top Choices-

Top 10 Infographic Sharing Sites

1. Visual.ly:

In addition to a large library of infographics, Visual.ly also offers a design team that can create custom infographics for your business or brand. The platform also includes analytics and reporting features to track the performance of your infographics.

2. Infographic Journal:

Infographic Journal site accepts high-quality, informative infographics on a wide range of topics. Infographics must meet their quality standards and be submitted with a brief description of the content and data sources used.

3. Infographics Archive:

This site has a vast collection of infographics on a variety of topics and also allows users to submit their own infographics for inclusion. Infographics must be high-quality and informative to be accepted.

4. Submit Infographics:

This site allows users to submit their own infographics and share them with others who are interested in the same topic. Infographics must meet quality standards and include accurate data sources.

5. Daily Infographic:

With a wide range of topics covered, Daily Infographic is a popular site for sharing and discovering new infographics. Infographics must be informative and engaging to be featured on the site.

6. Cool Infographics:

This site focuses on creative and innovative infographics that stand out from the crowd. Infographics must be well-designed and informative to be featured on the site.

7. Infographic Reviews:

This site reviews and showcases the best infographics from around the web, and also allows users to submit their own for consideration. Infographics must be informative, visually appealing, and well-designed to be featured.

8. Infographic Bee:

With a focus on high-quality, informative infographics, Infographic Bee is a popular site for sharing and promoting infographics. Infographics must be well-designed and informative to be featured on the site.

9. Love Infographics:

This site allows users to submit and share their own infographics on a variety of topics. Infographics must be well-designed, informative, and include accurate data sources to be featured.

10. Infographic Plaza:

This site offers a wide range of infographics on a variety of topics and also allows users to submit their own for inclusion. Infographics must meet quality standards and be well-designed and informative to be featured on the site.

Overall, submitting your infographics to these top sharing sites can help you reach a wider audience, increase engagement, and establish your brand or business as a thought leader in your industry.

Promote your Infographics on these sites-

Top Free PDF Submission Sites List

How To Optimize Infographics

Here are some details about optimizing infographic submissions:

How To Optimize Infographics
Image- digisocial.com.bd/

Optimizing your infographic submissions to sharing sites is crucial to ensure that your content gets maximum engagement and reach.

Here are some tips to help you optimize your submissions:

1. Choose the Right Sites:

When choosing which submission sites to use, it’s important to consider the relevance of the site’s audience to your content.

For example, if you’ve created an infographic about digital marketing, you’ll want to look for sites that focus on marketing or technology.

Additionally, you’ll want to consider the domain authority of the site, as this can affect how visible your content is in search results.

2. Use Relevant Keywords:

Including relevant keywords in your submission can help your infographic appear in search results and increase visibility. Be sure to include keywords in the title, description, and any tags you use when submitting your infographic.

3. Create an Engaging Title:

Your title should be descriptive, concise, and engaging. Avoid using generic titles like “Infographic on Marketing” and instead, use a title that highlights the unique aspect of your content.

For example, “The Ultimate Guide to Digital Marketing” or “10 Tips for Successful Email Marketing Campaigns.”

4. Add a Description:

In addition to the title, you should also include a brief description of your infographic. This description should provide users with an overview of what your infographic is about and what they can expect to learn from it.

Be sure to include any relevant information, such as statistics or data, that will make your infographic more appealing to users.

5. Include a Call-to-Action:

Adding a call-to-action at the end of your infographic can encourage users to take action and visit your website. This can be as simple as adding a link to your website or a landing page where users can learn more about the topic. By including a call-to-action, you can increase engagement and conversions.

6. Share on Social Media:

Once your infographic is submitted, be sure to share it on your social media channels. This can help to increase visibility and engagement, as well as drive traffic back to your website.

Additionally, you can use social media to engage with users who have shared or commented on your infographic, further increasing engagement and building relationships with your audience.

How To Track Infographic Performance

After submitting your infographics to sharing sites, it’s important to track their performance to see how they’re resonating with your target audience.

Here are a few ways you can track infographic performance:


Use Google Analytics to track traffic:

To track traffic, you can set up a unique landing page for each infographic submission and use Google Analytics to monitor traffic to that page.

You can set up goals and events in Google Analytics to track specific user interactions with your infographics, such as clicks, scrolling, or time spent on the page.


Track social shares:

You can use a social media management tool like Hootsuite or Buffer to track the number of shares, likes, and comments your infographic has received on various social media platforms. This will allow you to monitor the reach and engagement of your infographics on different social channels.


Measure backlinks:

To measure backlinks, you can use a backlink checker tool like Ahrefs or Moz to track the number of backlinks generated from your infographic submission.

This will help you understand the impact of your infographic on your website’s search engine ranking and overall visibility.

In addition to these specific methods of tracking infographic performance, you can also use general web analytics to monitor your website’s traffic, engagement, and conversions.

This will help you understand how your infographics are contributing to your overall content marketing strategy and make data-driven decisions about future infographic submissions.

Follow these methods

How To Stay Up-to-Date with Infographics Designs

Keeping up with the latest trends in infographic design and submission is important to ensure that your infographics are visually appealing and effective in engaging your target audience. Here are some ways to stay up-to-date:


Follow leading designers and design blogs:

Following the leading designers and design blogs is a great way to learn about the latest design trends and techniques. Designers often share their work on social media and blogs, and by following them, you can get inspiration for your own designs.

Design blogs often feature articles and tutorials on the latest design trends, tools, and techniques. Some popular design blogs include Design Milk, Creative Bloq, and Smashing Magazine.


Join design communities and forums:

Joining online design communities and forums such as Behance, Dribbble, and Reddit can help you connect with other designers and get inspiration for your work.

These platforms allow you to share your work and get feedback from other designers, which can help you improve your designs. You can also join groups and forums that focus on infographic design and get inspiration from other designers.


Attend design events and conferences:

Attending design events and conferences such as Adobe MAX, SXSW, and Design Week is a great way to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and network with other designers. These events often feature keynote speakers, workshops, and sessions on the latest design tools and techniques.

Attending these events can help you learn new skills, connect with other designers, and get inspiration for your work.


Experiment with new tools and techniques:

Experimenting with new design tools and techniques can help you create unique and visually appealing infographics.

There are many design tools and software available that can help you create infographics, and by experimenting with them, you can find new ways to create engaging and effective designs.

You can also experiment with new design techniques such as using animations, data visualization, and interactive design elements to make your infographics stand out.

Some flaws you need to Know

Top 5 Common Infographics Submission Mistakes

Here are some examples of common submission mistakes that might be covered in this section:

1. Poor Quality: Infographics that are poorly designed or of low quality can harm your reputation and make it harder for people to take your content seriously.

To avoid this mistake, invest in quality design, use a consistent color scheme, and keep the design simple and easy to follow.

2. Inaccurate Data: Infographics that contain inaccurate data can quickly damage your credibility and make it hard to build trust with your audience. To avoid this mistake, make sure to use reliable sources for your data and fact-check your information before including it in your infographic.

3. Over-Promotion: Infographics that are too promotional can turn people off and make them less likely to share your content.

To avoid this mistake, focus on providing value to your audience rather than just promoting your products or services.

Make sure your infographic is informative and engaging, and only include promotional material that is relevant to the topic at hand.

4. Not Targeting the Right Audience: Submitting infographics to sites that aren’t relevant to your audience can be a waste of time and resources.

To avoid this mistake, make sure to research the sites you are considering submitting to, and choose ones that have a strong following among your target audience.

5. Ignoring Guidelines: Each sharing site has its own submission guidelines and requirements. Ignoring these guidelines can result in your infographic being rejected or ignored.

To avoid this mistake, make sure to carefully review the guidelines for each site before submitting your infographic, and follow them closely to improve your chances of success.

Our Opinion-

Conclusion: Top Infographic Sharing Sites in 2024

Infographic submission sites can be a valuable tool for promoting your brand, reaching new audiences, and building high-quality backlinks.

By creating visually compelling and informative infographics, and submitting them to relevant and reputable sites, you can increase your online visibility and establish your authority in your industry or niche.

However, it’s important to approach infographic submissions strategically, by choosing the right sites to submit to, optimizing your content for search engines, and tracking your performance over time.

With these tips in mind, you can make the most of infographic submission sites to take your content marketing efforts to the next level.


Queries Related To Infographic Submission Sites

Here we have shared some frequently asked questions related to this post:

What is the best file format to use for infographic submissions?

The most common file formats for infographics are PNG, JPEG, and PDF. However, it’s important to check the specific requirements of each submission site before uploading your infographic.

How can I ensure that my infographic stands out among other submissions?

To create a standout infographic, make sure to choose a compelling topic, use eye-catching visuals and design elements, and include data or insights that are relevant and engaging for your target audience.

How many submission sites should I use for my infographic?

It’s a good idea to submit your infographic to multiple sites to increase its exposure and reach. However, make sure to choose sites that are relevant to your industry or niche, and avoid submitting to low-quality or spammy sites.

How long should my infographic be?

There is no set length for infographics, but most experts recommend keeping them between 800 and 1,500 pixels in height. This allows for easy sharing and viewing on a range of devices and platforms.

How can I measure the success of my infographic submissions?

To track the performance of your infographics, you can use tools like Google Analytics or BuzzSumo to monitor social media shares, backlinks, and other metrics. You can also track engagement and conversions on your own website or landing page.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when submitting infographics?

Some common mistakes to avoid include submitting low-quality or outdated infographics, failing to optimize your infographic for search engines, and submitting to irrelevant or spammy sites.

How can I repurpose my infographic for other marketing channels?

Infographics can be repurposed into a range of other content formats, including blog posts, social media graphics, and video content. You can also use data and insights from your infographic to create additional content pieces or marketing campaigns.

How can I stay up-to-date with the latest trends in infographic design and submission?

To stay up-to-date with the latest trends in infographic design and submission, you can follow industry blogs and publications, attend webinars or conferences, and connect with other content marketing professionals on social media or online communities.

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Gaurav Singh Parihar
Gaurav Singh Parihar

Meet Gaurav, the digital marketing enthusiast and Saas Tools expert! With over 3 years of experience at Webmetools, he passionately reviews and creates content around Saas Tools, empowering online businesses to make the right choices for success.

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