WP Rocket Pricing 2024: Get The Right WP Rocket Plan

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WP Rocket Pricing 2024: Get The Right WP Rocket Plan
WP Rocket Pricing 2024: Get The Right WP Rocket Plan

Get a complete overview of the Wp-Rocket pricing which starts from $59/year. Check out the Wp Rocket pricing plan with the total cost and features to get the right plan for you.

WP Rocket is the WordPress best caching plugin that boosts your website and decreases your website loading time, improving your PageSpeed score and optimizing your core web vitals.

This cache contains many awesome features that help to up your website level even fast features like Page caching, Page preloading, eCommerce optimization, easy customization, reduced latency, and improved availability.

This is the most popular plugin among people that helps you to optimize your website Blog and speed performance.

With the help of the WP Rocket pricing article, you easily compare the WP Rocket pricing plan with their cost and choose the right plan for you.

It optimizes your core web vitals and improves page speed scores.

WP Rocket Price Article has:

  • WP Rocket Pricing
  • Total Cost of WP Rocket
  • Choose the WP Rocket plan
  • Top Features of the WP Rocket Plugin
  • WP Rocket Plugin Best Use

WP Rocket cost Post Summary:

WP Rocket Starting Price$59/year
No. Of WP Rocket Plans3
WP Rocket Total Cost$59– $299
Subscription OptionAnnually
WP Rocket KeyFeaturesUnlimited Support, and websites

Check Out

How Much Does WP Rocket Cost

Wp-Rocket offers a yearly pricing plan that starts from $59/year. The other two plans are the Plus plan $119/year and the Infinite plan $299/year with these plans you get product updates and support.

This plugin gives you Three pricing plans that are a Single plan for $59/year, a Plus plan for $119/year, and an Infinite plan for $299 with regular updates.

WP Rocket has three different pricing plans with a 14-day money-back guarantee but not with a free trial.

You can choose the right and most suitable plan for you.

Wp Rocket Pricing & Plan

Wp Rocket PlanSingle planPlus planInfinite plan
Update1 year1 year1 year
Support1 year1 year1 year
Money Back14 Days14 Days14 Days

Choose the Right Plan for You

WP Rocket Plans With Pricing and Features

In the Wp Rocket pricing article, we already know that it gives Three yearly subscription plans.

This plugin is quite expensive but gives outstanding results other than free caching plugins online.

  • Single Plan
  • Plus Plan
  • Infinite Plan
WP-Rocket Pricing Plans 2023

We discuss all Wp Rocket pricing in detail with their cost and features. Choose the license that best fits your needs


WP Rocket Single Plan

The single plan starts at $59/year with Product updates and support and for only 1 website.

By purchasing a single plan you get access to many features like Quick setup that helps 80% of web-performance best practices are automatic, Caching, preload, Lazyload and delay JS Etc.

Single Plan Price

Single is for a yearly subscription which costs $59/per year By purchasing this you can use op to only 1 website.

Yearly Subscription – $59/per year

Note – They give a 100% money-back guarantee if you request it within 14 days of your purchase.


WP Rocket Plus Plan

The plus plan price starts from $119/per year with you getting full support and product updates and using up to 3 websites.

After purchasing a Plus plan you get the right to use their many advanced features like Multiple compatibilities in this you can customize the cache option for all languages at the same time.

Plus plan pricing plan

Plus Plan is, the second plan of Wp Rocket costs $119/per year. 1 year of assistance and updates for three websites.

Annually Subscription- $119/per year


WP Rocket Infinite Plan

The infinite plan cost is $299 per year which provides support and product updates for an unlimited website.

This is the third last plan of WP Rocket by purchasing this plan you the access to all advanced features. such as e-commerce compatibility in which No matter what eCommerce plugin for WordPress you’re using, they have your back.

Infinite Plan Price

Get an Infinite plan under $299/year with updates and support for unlimited websites.

Annual Subscription – $299 per year

A cache plugin

Overview Wp Rocket


Wp Rocket was founded by Jonathan Buttigieg and Jean-Baptiste Marchand-Arvier in 2013. that helps to improve website performance by increasing your website loading time or speed. This plugin has more than 1 lac+ active customers or users.

Wp Rocket is one of the best caching plugins for websites that make websites speed fast in just a few configurations. It works on File compression, multiple cache levels, CDN, and many more. so these features help to rank your website fast on search engines.

Quick review of WP Rocket Plugin:

WP Rocket Review (Pros & Cons)

With this WordPress plugin, you can also make use of their static file compression which decreases the weight of your code with the help of minification. Uses page caching of this plugin to speed up your loading time and cache preloading helps to improve your website indexing on search engines.

The Wp Rocket only offers a paid version but is on a pocket-friendly budget, its price starts from $59 per year in you get updates for 1 website.

After purchasing its plan you get the option of a 100% money-back guarantee within 14 days.

WP Rocket Features:

  • Quick setup
  • Multilingual compatibility
  • Excellent support and technical documentation to solve your doubt
  • Broad compatibility with hostings, themes, and plugins
  • E-Commerce Compatability
  • Most Power features for web performance
  • Provide 24/7 support to its users
  • 1 Year regular updates

speed up website

Wp Rocket Optimization Features

WP Rocket Features

Page Caching – Page chacing is very important for every plugin, WP-Rocket has these features to increase conversion through the website by increasing your website speed and also boosting your SEO.

Cached Preloading – Wp Rocket automatically preloads the cache every time you make some changes on your web pages. it is cache content of your site right away.

Media – Media is also the key feature of the WordPress website, media includes many options like lazy loading, delayed JS, and CSS for improving your website performance and attracting new customers.

Browers Caching – Wp Rocket provides you the option of browser caching which can improve your website speed when all of the files load separately

E-Commerce Optimization – This feature can run your eCommerce smoothly and fast there is no interference in the purchasing process. Sensitive pages are excluded from the cache.

GZIP Compression – Let your user enjoy your content by getting quicker. GZIP decompresses web pages in the browser and compresses them on the server.

Compatibility – Wp Rocket is compatible with many popular hostings like Wpengine, Dreamhost, Bluehost, Kinsta, Godaddy, and many more.

Themes & Page Builder – Choose the WordPress theme that makes your content stand out and match it with the caching power of WP Rocket.

Plugins – Each Website is made of plugin customizations and countless settings. Once you have your stack of plugins ready, match it with the caching power of WP Rocket.

Database Optimization- Wp Rocket Provides you with a lot of options like post cleaner and comment cleaner. Clean unuseful things from your database.

Easy CDN integration – this WPRocket feature helps you to connect to content delivery networks (CND) such as Cloudflare. Wp Rocket also offers CDN services you can use from its official website.

Removed unused CSS – This CSS feature lets you remove unused CSS on a page-by-page basis. Personally, I’ve noticed that this can easily drop a page’s file size by 100+ KB.

Support – WP Rocket a cache plugin team provide you full 24/7 support through support option such as documentation to its users if users have faced any kind of problem they can easily get supported by its WP rocket team.

Best for

WP Rocket Plan Best For

WP Rocket Pricing 2024: Get The Right WP Rocket Plan

E-Commerce Website:

ECommerce websites also need a fast user experience & secure checkout pages. WP Rocket plugin helps you set up your website for different products, quickly load, and manage your multiple scripts.


WP Rocket is best for bloggers, It is made for WordPress Blogs and Sites. It makes your Blogging speed very fast, a good user experience, and also helps in improving your Coral Web Vitals. All of these help you in Technical SEO and boost your organic rank.

Freelancer & Agencies

WP Rocket is easy to configure and install, Web Developers can easily use this plugin on their client’s site, and makes their website fast.

Is it worth your money?

Conclusion – WP Rocket Pricing Plan 2023

Wp Rocket is the WordPress caching plugin that can improve and speed up your website loading time and boost web pages. It is the most popular plugin among WordPress users. You can purchase its paid version on your pocket-friendly budget.

WP Rocket plugin works on multiple features like eCommerce optimization, file optimization, media, preloading, lazyloading, Page caching, GZIP compression database optimization, and many more.

Wp Rocket has three paid versions which start from $59 with the same features but one difference in each plan is the number of websites is not the same.

If you are not finding WP Rocket plans useful and its features good, then you can also have a look at these top WP Rocket Alternatives or Cache Plugins.

However Single plan has updates for only one website, the second plan has 3 websites, and the third plan has updates for unlimited websites.

Get your answer

FAQs – WP Rocket Total Cost 2023

  1. How Much Does WP Rocket Cost?

    Wp Rocket Has three licenses. A single license of $59/year, Plus licenses of $119/year, and Infinite license of $299/year.

  2. Does Wp Rocket also provide a Free version?

    No Wp Rocket is not free to use it provides only a paid version.

  3. Which is the best plan for WP Rocket?

    All plans have the same features But the only difference per plan is the number of websites is different in each plan. so, all plans are best.

  4. What is the starting price of Wp Rocket?

    WP Rocket price starts from $59 per year where you get product updates and support for 1 website.

Divesh Diggiwal
Divesh Diggiwal

Hi, I'm Divesh Diggiwal. Founder of this Website and DealsDekho. After quit my Railway Job, I am a Full-Time Entrepreneur and Digital Marketer, Now having 5-6 Years of Experience in SEO and Marketing. During this period, I have tried and tested many Digital Marketing & SaaS Tools. And Now I am Helping other Business Owners to get right Marketing Tools. On this website, I Manage Keyword Research, SEO, Tools Collaboration, and a Little Bit of Marketing.

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